MiniLube 1 gal. bottle (= 4 l approx.)  |牛的器材/Cattle|人工授精(請詢價)

MiniLube 1 gal. bottle (= 4 l approx.)

代碼 17116-7010

人氣 1179

Sperm friendly lubricant for AI catheters and for equine artificial vaginas
Your Advantages
Isotonically balanced to semen for support of sperm cell viability
Batch tested to assure biocompatibility and sperm friendliness
Convenient 90 ml translucent tube of 4 l bottle with dispenser
Ideal viscosity for even flow to cover catheter tips; very small amounts are used
Made by Minitube in a Hepa-filtered dedicated clean room
Processed at +77°C to ensure absence of contaminants
Biologically tested with other commercially available lubricants and proven to be nonspermicidal: while 2 other lubricants showed decrease in between 15 and 30 % of motility when incubated with semen at 5 %, MiniLube™ had no detrimental effect on sperm motility


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MiniLube 1 gal. bottle (= 4 l approx.)