胚胎移植深部授精管 - Deep Blue  |豬/Swine|胚胎移植

胚胎移植深部授精管 - Deep Blue


人氣 1888

1.  Transfer of embryos (ET) is a biotechnology already used for several decades. In swine, ET has not much been used in the field up to now because of the difficulties to perform a non-surgical embryo transfer, among other reasons.

2.  The motivation to practical application of ET is mainly:

3.  Fast spreading of valuable genetics to breeding stocks .

4.  Fast introduction of new genetic lines to breeding stocks without health risk .

5.  Smooth adaptation of piglets born via ET to the sanitary level of the farm

6.  Non surgical ET furthermore is an important precondition for the practical application of new biotechnologies like embryo conservation, embryo sexing and in vitro production (IVP), etc.

7.  In cooperation with the University of Murcia in Spain, Minitüb has developed a concept of a deep intrauterine catheter: the DeepBlue® ET. This catheter is especially designed for the non surgical embryo transfer in swine.


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胚胎移植深部授精管 - Deep Blue